Admission Guide
Procedures up to Admission
Please download the membership application form from below. Please send the completed application form by mail or Fax to the Society office.
Download the membership application form
Pdf format(10KB) Word format(30.5KB)
Society Office
Society of Applied Glycoscience
Mai-nichi Academic Forum, Inc.
Palace Side Building
1-1-1 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Fax: 03-6267-4555
Instructions for Membership Application Form
・Please fill in the box on the application form
・Please fill out the application form clearly, as it will be registered in our membership database.
・Please enter the name of your organization up to the department if you are a university, or down to the department or section if you are a company.
・Please circle all that apply for contact information, gender, and membership type.
・If you wish to subscribe to “Journal of Applied Glycoscience”, a separate subscription fee of 4,000 yen per year will be charged. Please circle all that apply if you wish to do so.
・The fiscal year is from this July to the next June. Please enter your admission year in the space provided (for example, if your admission year is 2025: July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026).
・Those who wish to apply for student membership must attach a certificate of enrollment (or equivalent document).
Membership Fee
・We will issue an invoice within a month of receiving your application form, so please use it to transfer money from post office or bank.
Annual fee: Regular member 6,000 yen, Student member 3,000 yen.
If you wish to subscribe to “Journal of Applied Glycoscience (English journal)”, a separate subscription fee of 4,000 yen per year will be charged.
Registration of Modification
If there are any changes in your address, institutional affiliation, or information on the membership application form, please notify the office by postcard, Fax, or E-mail.
Other Inquiries
For other inquiries, please contact us from below.